FIVE STARS Monday & Wednesday - New time slots

Thursday, September 17, 2009

InterFM FIVE STARS Monday and InterFM FIVE STARS Wednesday's time slots will be changed from 19:00-19:30 to 24:00-24:29 from October onwards (Source)

That means...the translation will be delayed because I'm probably going to bed after listening to the show ^^; and I've got school in the morning so it'll only be up in the evening!

Translation for this week's FIVE STARS Wednesday and Konya mo Usachan Peace will only be posted tomorrow night (Japan time). Exam period now.
From next week onwards, I may not be working on "FIVE STARS Wednesday" and "Konya mo Usachan Peace" on a regular basis as my final examination is starting within a month's time. Apologies for that.